Strategies Abbreviations & Definitions
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Avg | The average of the two teams. i.e. (home team + away team) / 2. |
Home Team | Figures apply only to the fixture's home team. |
Away Team | Figures apply only to the fixture's away team. |
H@H | Home at home. Figures apply only to the fixture's home team and only matches where they played at home. |
A@A | Away at away. Figures apply only to the fixture's away team and only matches where they played away. |
Venue | The average of home team's home matches and the away team's away matches. i.e. (H@H + A@A) / 2 |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
<= | Less than or equal to |
|>=| | Greater than or equal to but ignores the sign of the stat. e.g. if the team's stat is -3 it becomes +3. So |>=| 3 looks for stats >= 3 and <= -3. This is useful for HvA and Goal Edge where the figures can be negative but you are looking for high values regardless of sign. |
|<=| | Less than or equal to but ignores the sign of the stat. e.g. if the team's stat is -5 it becomes +5. So |<=| 5 looks for stats <= 5 and >= -5 (i.e. between -5 and 5 inclusive). This is useful for H v A and Goal Edge where the figures can be negative but you are looking for low values regardless of sign. |
Goals Category | |
GP | Total games played by the teams so far this season. |
0.5+ | Over 0.5 goals. The number of games the teams played in that had 1 or more goals (scored or conceded) as a percentage of total games played. |
1.5+ | Over 1.5 goals. The number of games the teams played in that had 2 or more goals (scored or conceded) as a percentage of total games played. |
2.5+ | Etc. |
BTS | Both Teams Scored. The number of games the teams played in that had 1 or more goals from both teams as a percentage of total games played. |
CS | Clean sheet. The number of games where the teams kept a clean sheet (won to nil) as a percentage of total games played. |
FTS | First To Score. The number of games where the teams scored first as a percentage of total games played. |
FTC | First To Concede. The number of games where the teams conceded first as a percentage of total games played. |
Goals L8 | As above but only takes into account each team's last 8 games. |
Timings Category | |
A-B | Total goals scored and conceded in all matches between minute A and minute B (inclusive) as a percentage of total goals in all matches. Examples below. |
1-5 | Total goals scored and conceded in all matches between 1 minute and 5 minutes (inclusive) as a percentage of total goals in all matches. |
11-20 | Total goals scored and conceded in all matches between 11 minutes and 20 minutes (inclusive) as a percentage of total goals in all matches. |
41-50 | This will include all added time in the first half. |
81-90 | This will include all added time at the end of the match. |
1-45 | Total goals scored and conceded in all matches in the first half (including added time) as a percentage of total goals in all matches. |
46-90 | Total goals scored and conceded in all matches in the second half (including added time) as a percentage of total goals in all matches. |
Half Category | |
FH 0.5+ | Over 0.5 goals. The number of games the teams played in that had 1 or more goals (scored or conceded) in the first half only as a percentage of total games played. |
FH 1.5+ | Over 1.5 goals. The number of games the teams played in that had 2 or more goals (scored or conceded) in the first half only as a percentage of total games played. |
FH 2.5+ | Etc. |
SH 0.5+ | Over 0.5 goals. The number of games the teams played in that had 1 or more goals (scored or conceded) in the second half only as a percentage of total games played. |
SH 1.5+ | Over 1.5 goals. The number of games the teams played in that had 2 or more goals (scored or conceded) in the second half only as a percentage of total games played. |
SH 2.5+ | Etc. |
FH Goals | The total number of goals scored or conceded by the teams in the first half only as a percentage of all goals scored and conceded. |
SH Goals | The total number of goals scored or conceded by the teams in the second half only as a percentage of all goals scored and conceded. |
Half L8 | As above but only takes into account each team's last 8 games. |
Form Category | |
PPG | Points per game. 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw. Total points for the teams divided by the total games. |
PPG L8 | Points per game for last 8 games only. Points for last 8 divided number of games in last 8. |
Opp PPG L8 | Takes the team's last 8 games. For each team played, the PPG L8 is calculated. Then the average PPG L8 of all 8 opponents is calculated. A higher number indicates the team has played tougher opponents on average over the last 8 games. |
PPG Bias | The difference between PPG L8 and Opp PPG L8. It refers to the variance in a team's performance, comparing the points per game achieved to their last 8 opponents. |
GoalSense | GoalSense employs a proven formula that considers both the quantity of goals scored and the timing of these goals in a match. By analysing a team's recent performance and the specific moments when goals are netted, GoalSense calculates a percentage that helps predict matches likely to witness a significant number of goals. |
SD | Standard deviation. Used to calculate the variance of goals the teams scored compared to their average. It gives us a clue about the likely scorelines. The closer the standard deviation is to zero, the more consistent and predictable the scores are. For more information and the actual equation see this website: |
Avg goals | The average number of goals the teams have scored in all matches. Total goals scored divided by total games played. |
H v A | Measures the ability and strength differences between the two teams. Calculated as: (Home Offence Index + Home Defence Index) - (Away Offence Index + Away Defence Index). A negative number indicates a performance advantage to the home team and a positive number indicates an advantage to the away team. |
Goal Edge | An indicator of the likelihood of goals based on the offence and defence ratings and the number of teams in the league. The closer to zero the better for goals. Calculated as: ( (Home Offence Index + Home Defence Index + Away Offence Index + Away Defence Index) / 2 ) - (teams in league + 1). |
Offence Index | All teams in the league are ordered by goals scored (high to low). The index is their position in the table. Position 1 has best offence (most goals scored). |
Defence Index | All teams in the league are ordered by goals conceded (low to high). The index is their position in the table. Position 1 has best defence (least goals conceded). |