Performance grid added to form tab for results stats. Match Replay updated - when clicking the stats icon, the result is now hidden.
Added filters for offence and defence indexes for strategies and backtesting. Performance grid added to form tab for fixtures, showing teams history of results using offence and defence ratings.
Added filters for goals scored and conceded for strategies and backtesting.
Half-time sportsbook odds added to strategies page. In members settings, added the option to change the default stake for Match Replay. Backtesting now includes the option for favourite or underdog to win (in the Win By section).
Half-time sportsbook odds added to the custom tables page.
Results stats pages now include goals scored and goals conceded stats. This paves the way for scored and conceded stats to be added to strategy filters and backtesting. This will be added in the coming weeks.
Match Replay tool added. Replay previous fixtures and practise your trading. Using actual Betfair odds and timings. Match Profiles added. Pro-traders Mark and James give their profiles for upcoming games.
Half-time sportsbook odds added to the fixture stats page and current fixture added to menu bar so it's always visible when scrolling.
Backtesting improved with Under and Over options for the 'At period start' dropdown, plus 'Period to test' now has a 'Both halves' option. Betfair links updated for members using Betfair Italia.
Betfair links updated for members using Betfair Australia.
Home and away tabs added for results tables. CSV and Excel export for fixtures on homepage. Home or Away option added to backtesting odds.
Homepage updated to show stats in the fixture list. Processing engine for the strategies numbers at the top improved for speed.
Sportsbook odds filter added to strategies page. Select odds from Betfair and bet365 sportsbooks to show on the upcoming filters table to aid with selections.
Two in the Pink strategy added to the strategy database.
Stratagies page update. Notes can be added when editing or creating a strategy. The notes will appear above the upcoming fixtures table. A re-order button has been added to allow strategies to be ordered on the page.
Custom tables updated to include goals scored and goals conceded stats in Goals and Half tabs.
Import/Export strategies have been simplified. Shorter code and an auto import link that, when shared, will automatically import the strategy. The old, longer codes will still work.
Half-time Hustle strategy added to the strategy database.
Half-time scores added to the results tabs for fixture, result and team stats. PnL updated to allow multiple trades to be deleted.
Custom tables now includes options for sportsbook odds. Shows match odds, under/overs and BTS for Betfair sportsbook and bet365.
PnL page now allows notes to be made on each trade. League stats for Goals and Half tabs now have options for goals scored and goals conceded.
The Over 1.5 Goal Digger strategy added to the strategy database.
Results page updated. View by league or by day. CSV and Excel export available.
Lay the Half-Time Correct Score and Precision Profit Club strategies added to the strategy database.
Fixture stats for Goals and Half tabs now have options for goals scored and goals conceded. Betfair link added to the same page and team names now link to the team stats page.
First Half Hedge strategy added to the database.
Team stats for Goals and Half tabs now have options for goals scored and goals conceded.
Change currency option in profile settings - for PnL.
Custom tables has been updated to include a leagues filter. Now you can get fixtures from the leagues you prefer.
Half-time Alarm Clock, Half-time Alarm Snoozed and Higher or Lower strategies added to the database.
Silly Strong Favourites, a correct score strategy, added to the database.
A new all-in-one simulator has replaced the over/unders and correct score sim. Now you can simulate matches on one page for the following markets: Match Odds, Overs/Unders, Correct Score, First Half Match Odds, First Half Overs/Unders.
Added Custom Tables to the tools menu. Create up to 10 of your own tables of fixtures using 30 statistics of your choosing. Export to Excel or CSV and re-order the columns. Powder Keg, an over 2.5 strategy, added to the database.
Option to change timezone on settings page under profile menu.
Strategy database now includes date added. By default strategies are ordered by date to make it easier to see new additions. First Ten Fortress, an over 3.5 strategy, added to the database.
Forum added for subscribers to discuss strategies and provide support. Link in the footer of each page.
Historical odds added to the odds tab for the results statistics pages. Adding of odds is ongoing with most major leagues done up to March 2024.
Bug fix on strategy import codes. Upside Down Taxi added to the strategy database.
The Singularity and The Apocalypse added to the strategy database.
Strategies page update. Fixtures shown for a strategy can now be exported to csv or excel.
Loki's Toboggan strategies added to the strategy database.
Added Visuals to team stats pages.
Added new Strategy Database page, profiling different strategies. Added ability to import the strategy where filters are available. This page will be updated whenever possible.
Bug fix. The figures for strategy matched fixtures were incorrect on the homepage after recent updates.
Added Visuals to result stats pages.
Added Goal Edge and HvA statistics to strategies and back testing pages.
Added an extra option on the backtesting page for testing the period after the first goal is scored.
Added absolute value options: |<=| and |>=| - allowing backtesting to look for numbers greater 10 and less than -10 (for example)
Visuals added to fixture stats page. Added charts for overs/unders, timings, form and correct score heatmap. Added head-to-head stats.
Added Goal Edge and HvA statistics to fixture stats pages.
Bug fix. PnL page wasn't showing end of month trades.
Website launched.